第 1 会場 代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム
2022 年 8 月 24 日(水)〜8 月 28 日(日) 会期中無休
11:00 ‒ 20:00(最終入場は閉場時間の 30 分前まで。ただし最終日は 19:00 閉場)
住所 東京都渋谷区猿楽町 18-8 ヒルサイドテラス F 棟
第 2 会場 N&A Art SITE
2022 年 8 月 24 日(水)〜10 月 1 日(土)*日月休場、入場無料
12:00 ‒ 17:30
住所 東京都目黑区上目黑 1-11-16
※第 2 会場は会期中に展示作品の入れ替えを行います。
入場料 : 無料
協力:ブリリアントカルチャートーキョー、Japan Art Information、(株)Art sensor、

I'm going to participate " NIJIGEN-HA " in "Daikanyama Hillside Forum" & "N&A Art SITE", Tokyo, Japan.
I would be happy if you can come to the exhibition, I hope you can join us.
Venue/Period: Venue 1 Daikanyama Hillside Forum August 24th (Wednesday) to August 28th (Sunday), 2022
Open every day during the exhibition period 11:00 – 20:00
(Last admission 30 minutes before closing time.However, closing at 19:00 on the last day) Address Hillside Terrace Building F, 18-8 Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 2nd Venue N&A Art SITE Wednesday, August 24, 2022 to Saturday, October 1, 2022
*closed on Sundays and Mondays, admission free 12:00 – 17:30 Address 1-11-16 Kamomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo *Exhibited works in the second venue will be replaced during the exhibition period. Details will be announced on the website.
Admission fee: Free Organizer: 2D exhibition executive committee Curation: Miwa Kutsuna Cooperation: Brilliant Culture Tokyo, Japan Art Information, Art sensor Co., Ltd. Seeda Co., Ltd., N&A Co., Ltd., etc. * The contents of the event are subject to change due to circumstances.
Please check the website for the latest information.
■About the show

《 Girl with a Pearl Earring_SpartanX 》 アクリル絵具、ウレタン塗装、銀鏡塗装、UVシルクスクリーン印刷、木製パネル
acrylic, urethane, silver mirror coating, UV silk screen printing on wooden panel
145.5×112.0×3.0cm 2021 森 洋史
© Hiroshi Mori